Clery Act Information:
This report is part of the University of Minnesota Duluth's compliance with the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act” (informally known as the "Clery Act"). Statistics from the past three calendar years are published in the Safety and Security on Campus report. Statistics are compiled by the University police department in consultation with the Duluth police department, surrounding law enforcement agencies and a wide range of University personnel called Campus Security Authorities.
More information on the Clery Act
UMD Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
(If you would like this report in a different format or extra copies please contact the University Police by phone at 218-726-7000, by email at [email protected] or by mail at 1049 University Dr. 287 DAdB Duluth, MN 55812)
Campus Security Authority Crime Report (Doc Form)
Campus Security Authority Crime Report (Online Form, need to be logged into UMD Acct.)
Clery CSA Training Module (Canvas)
Campus Security Authority Training Video (x500 login required)